"Gossip Girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite."
"And who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell ... You know you love me. XOXO, Gossip Girl"
gossip girl 的兩段開場白
gossip girl 停左成年(可能更耐)冇追
終於都完成左season 3 :)
型男索女、 華衣美服、 放浪形骸、 荒淫無度、 糜爛璀璨……
wow~ my cup of tea~
仍然鍾意Queen B + Chuck Bass
呵呵呵呵~ 最鍾意壞份子
Chuck Bass 越來越誘人啊!!
"And who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell ... You know you love me. XOXO, Gossip Girl"
gossip girl 的兩段開場白
gossip girl 停左成年(可能更耐)冇追
終於都完成左season 3 :)
型男索女、 華衣美服、 放浪形骸、 荒淫無度、 糜爛璀璨……
wow~ my cup of tea~
仍然鍾意Queen B + Chuck Bass
呵呵呵呵~ 最鍾意壞份子
Chuck Bass 越來越誘人啊!!
Dorota 都好讚! 今個season 有好爆o既發展~
3 則留言:
你係邊度睇啊?download? online??
DL ar, online都有… season 3 真係讚 啊!
pps 已經無得睇好耐啦,我season 2 由20集開始未睇!莫說season 3...
你有無dl 到啊?